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Week 4


  • Successfully created the First page for the Patient Document Upload.
  • Show the Active Patients on the First page.
  • Search Box and show all details are not Functional.
  • Completed the presentation and take the feedback from the Super Mentors.

Screenshots / Videos

Midpoint Demo PPT ->!AlcmSrjFu-a1t-451kYNJo3if2nJAQ?e=9XDW7r FeedBack from Super Mentor -> He tolds that UI is good and responsive. Tolds to understand the every aspect of the User, so that if the User use the New UI then they should don't get confused and easily can be shift to it from the older Version. Tolds to Understand the larger impact of the Project and its Benefits.


Raised PR -> Midpoint Demo PPT ->!AlcmSrjFu-a1t-451kYNJo3if2nJAQ?e=9XDW7r PR Raised


  • How to make the Website Mobile Responsive.
  • Learned about raising the PR and update it on the JIRA card.
  • Communication Skills improved with the Super Mentors.
  • How to present your PPT of your work and explain to the community.
  • FeedBack from Super Mentor -> He tolds that UI is good and responsive. Tolds to understand the every aspect of the User, so that if the User use the New UI then they should don't get confused and easily can be shift to it from the older Version. Tolds to Understand the larger impact of the Project and its Benefits.